
Focus Words I want to live by this year

As we step in to the new year, I catch myself reflecting on principles and values that I want to guide me in the months ahead. In this journey of growth, I have chosen four powerful words that I want to focus on: inner peace, integrity, abundance and synchronicity. Each word (well, the first word is actually two words) represent a cornerstone of the life I aspire to live.

Inner Peace

There’s so much chaos and anger overwhelming so many people in this world. I even catch myself being angry over things that are way out of my control. Inner peace, to me, is a sanctuary. It is the calm before the storm, the definition of quiet confidence. This year, I am committed to nurturing my inner peace through mindfulness, self-care and maybe even learning how to meditate. I seek “quiet confidence” in everything I feel; and plan to dive deep in order to create this tranquil inner space hoping to navigate life’s ups and downs with more clarity and grace.


I think integrity is the acronym of trust and authentic. Staying true to what I value, being honest and making choices that align with my principles. This year, I want to live a life with integrity, not that I already don’t strive to live this way. When times get difficult, I will hold myself accountable and responsible for my actions. By doing this, I may be able to maintain my meaningful relationships and learn to be true to who I am.


Gratitude has been such a popular word in some of the podcasts I have listened to lately. Abundance is a mindset of gratitude and possibility. I want to recognize the value of blessings all around me and focus on what I have rather than what I lack. Nourishing my mindset and practicing gratitude daily may help me be proud of what I have achieved and be ready to accept new opportunities. By embracing abundance, positive experiences will bring about joy and contentment.


Perfect timing. Coincidence. These two words define synchronicity. It’s about being in tune with the world and how all things are connected. This year, I will trust that everything happens for a reason. Paying close attention to the synchronicities in my life will hopefully help align myself so that I can continue to move forward with intention.

I am excited to see how these four words may shape my year. I actually have all four words written down on my desk so that I can reflect on them every day. The four words may help light my path to a better version of me, JustJulie. Cheers to a year full of growth, discovery and living with intention.


My name is Julia, but I go by just Julie, hence the name of my website. I live in Massachusetts with my husband Mike. We met on Facebook in late 2009, met face to face in April of 2010. I moved to Massachusetts after living my entire life in Maryland. We got married on April 1, 2023 and I couldn’t be happier!